Earn 3.5 hours of CE credit from NCBTMB with the Ballflow Class.
A course on self chronic pain management method using our specific ball with step by step instruction offering optional local live course, availability upon request. Ball included with purchase of course. Contact us for studio or gym address. Thank you kindly for your interest in this fresh innovative choreographed class.
Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork represents the highest attainable credential within the massage therapy and bodywork profession.
©2019-2025 BALLFLOW LLC. All rights reserved.
Firm Medicine Ball – 11″ Diameter – Silver – 20 lb:
Color-coded plyometric balls available from 1 to 30 pounds. Balls have firm rubber exterior shell and uniform weight distribution. Balls have easy-to-grip rubber surface. Balls can be used with trampoline rebounder and thrown back and forth with a partner.